7-8 September 2022
EPIC Meeting on CMOS Compatible Integrated Photonics at imec
Leuven, Belgium

Hosted by

The EPIC Meeting on CMOS compatible integrated photonics at imec will bring together CMOS/Silicon/Electronics/MEMs foundries and manufacturers and providers of new materials with photonic functionality (Graphene, III-V, plasmonic structures, BTO, etc.) to address the needs to start new collaborations. The incorporation of new materials with photonic functionality to CMOS processing has been traditionally challenging. However recently, there has been major interest in bringing the developments in photonics to mass production, and for that, working closer to semiconductor companies is a necessary step.

Some of the recent trends are for example, the mass production of coherent transceivers for FMCW LiDAR, efficient detectors based on Quantum dots for next generation imagers, Intel hybrid IIIV/Si laser integration, Graphene flagship, and GF 300mm platform. At this meeting we would like the necessary steps to start new collaborations towards pilot production of these hybrid new platforms. Challenges to be addressed, such as through silicon/glass vias, wafer bonding, wafer testing, packaging & assembly as well as new market driven applications that demand the functionality beyond the state of the art.

Take a look at the photo album HERE.


DAY 0, Tuesday 6 September 2022
19:00 – 21:00 Pre-event dinner for early arrivals (optional, reservation needed) @hotel restaurant or nearby

DAY 1, Wednesday 7 September 2022
12:00 – 13:00 Registration & Lunch @ imec 1 (Kapeldreef 75, 3001 Heverlee)

13:00 – 13:05 Welcoming words by EPIC
13:05 – 13:15 Welcoming words by Sri Samavedam, Senior Vice President of CMOS Technologies at imec

13:15 – 15:15 SESSION 1: PIC Platforms

13:15 – 13:45 Silicon Photonics Platform: Current and Future Offerings – Philippe Absil, Vice President R&D at imec
13:45 – 14:15 Heterogeneous Integration Overview, including Upcoming Tech  Dries Van Thourhout, Professor at Photonics Research Group, Ghent University/imec
14:15 – 14:30 Indium Phosphide Integrated Photonics for CMOS – Kevin Williams, Professor at TU Eindhoven
14:30 – 14:45 Advances in Hybrid Low-loss PICs: the Best of Both Worlds – Douwe Geuzebroek, VP Marketing & Sales at LioniX

14:45 – 15:30 Coffee Break – Networking

15:30 – 18:15 SESSION 2: PIC Ecosystem

15:30 – 16:00 Integrated Photonic Packaging From Research to Pilot Manufacturing – Peter O’Brien, Head of Research Group at Tyndall National Institute
16:00 – 16:15 Silicon Photonics and Electronics for High-Speed Transceivers – Peter Ossieur, Senior Researcher at imec
16:15 – 16:30 Designing Photonic ICs – Pieter Dumon, Co-founder and CTO at Luceda Photonics
16:30 – 16:45 Productizing a PIC: from Design IP to Scalable Testing – Iñigo Artundo, CEO at VLC

16:45 – 17:00 Break

17:00 – 17:30 Photonic Integration and Pathfinding with Intel FPGAs – Conor O’Keeffe, Principal Engineer at Intel
17:30 – 17:45 Silicon Photonics for Telecom and Beyond – Tom Janssens, Team Leader Silicon Processing at Huawei
17:45 – 18:00 Holistic Transformation in High Volume Manufacturing of Data Center Transceivers  Tolga Tekin, Group Manager at Fraunhofer IZM
18:00 – 18:15 Optical Interconnect in Co-Packaged Optics System Tiger Ninomiya, Senior Technologist at SENKO

18:30 – 19:00 Bus transfer from imec to dinner venue

19:00 – 22:00 Networking Dinner @Faculty Club (Address: Groot Begijnhof 14, 3000 Leuven)

22:00 Walk to the Hotel

DAY 2, Thursday 8 September 2022

08:00 – 08:15 Walk from Hotel to imec
08:15 – 08:50 Morning Coffee & Networking @imec

08:50 – 10:30 SESSION 3: New Materials in PICs

08:50 – 09:00 Recap of Day 1 – Ivan Nikitski, Photonics Technology Manager at EPIC

09:00 – 09:30 Foundry Based Electro-Optic Polymer Modulators Michael Lebby, CEO at Lightwave Logic
09:30 – 09:45 Meta-surfaces Process Scale-up for Advanced Optical Applications – Philippe Soussan, Technology Director at imec
09:45 – 10:00 3D Printing of Glass Micro-devices for Integrated Photonics and Miniaturized Optics – Rolando Ferrini, Head of FEMTOprint Neuchâtel at FEMTOprint
10:00 – 10:15  Integrating New Materials into Silicon Photonics – Stephan Suckow, Head of Nanophotonics Group at AMO
10:15 – 10:30 Graphene for Integrated Photonics – Cedric Huyghebaert, CTO at Black Semiconductor

10:30 – 11:15 Coffee Break – Networking

11:15 – 13:15 SESSION 4: Emerging Applications for PICs

11:15 – 11:45 A Call for Technology Innovations to Enable the Metaverse – Yiwan Wong, Director of Technology Partnerships, Reality Labs at Meta
11:45 – 12:00 Emerging Applications from Sensing to AI -Eleonore Hardy, Business Developer Silicon Photonics at CEA – Leti
12:00 – 12:15 MicroLED Display Integration on 300mm Advanced CMOS Platform Soeren Steudel, Co-founder & CTO at MICLEDI
12:15 – 12:30 III/V-on-Si based Single-Chip Beam Scanner LiDAR – Kyoungho Ha, Electronics Principal Engineer at Samsung
12:30 – 12:45 Photonic Integrated Circuit based FMCW LiDAR for Automotive and Industrial Applications – Frank Gindele, Head of Optics & Mechanics at Scantinel
12:45 – 13:00 Medical Applications of Integrated Photonics – MedPhab Pilot Line Use Cases – Antonio Castelo, Photonics Technology Manager at EPIC
13:00 – 13:15 Continuous Multi-Metabolite Monitor – Danaë Delbeke, CEO at Indigo

13:15 – 14:15 Lunch – Networking

14:15 – 16:00 COMPANY VISIT @ imec

Group 1 at 14:15
Group 2 at 15:15

Departure & Airport transfers from imec to Brussels airport:
Bus 1 at 16:00
Bus 2 at 17:00

The meeting location: Auditorium in imec 1 (Address: Kapeldreef 75, 3001 Heverlee). How to get there

The recommended hotel within walking distance to the meeting location is Begijnhof Hotel Leuven.

The special reduced rate 152 EUR/night inclusive of breakfast, VAT and city tax, can only be booked with the Registration form sent to email: info@bchotel.be until 20 July 2022. After this date the rate will be subject to availability.

All bus transfers will be organized to and from this hotel only. Hotel will be paid by each participant individually.


Yiwan Wong is the Director of Technology Partnerships at Meta Platform’s Realty Labs, responsible for formulation of engagement strategy and establishment of technical partnerships with external parties for Realty Labs’ product development activities. Prior to joining Meta, Yiwan was the CEO of Compound Photonics, a 100+ people startup that successfully developed and demonstrated the world smallest LCoS microdisplay technologies. Prior to that Yiwan held executive and management positions at leading semiconductor companies including Samsung Electronics, Qualcomm, and Texas Instruments.

Yiwan received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Yale University, a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from California Institute of Technology, and an MBA degree from University of Texas, Austin.

Director of Technology Partnerships, Reality Labs at Meta

Kyoungho Ha was born in Korea in 1968. He received the M.S. and Ph.D degrees in physics from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 1994 and 1999. He joined Samsung Electronics in 1999 where he led an effort to develop silicon-based photonic devices for use in next-generation optical interconnect. He is currently a principal researcher and project leader of the solid-state LiDAR development. His research interests include many area of optical technology such as III/V-on-Si Photonics, optical interconnect for datacenter/memory, GaN LD/LED and VCSEL.

Electronics Principal Engineer at Samsung

Conor O’Keeffe is a Principal Engineer in Intel’s Programable Solutions Group CTO team. Conor plays a key role in a number of DARPA programs such as CHIPS, and Space-BACN.

Prior to joining Intel Programmable Solutions Group in September 2017, he has held a number of roles including, Intel SoC Architect, founding CTO of wireless company “Socowave", and cellular chipset architect at Freescale/Motorola and RFIC designer. His expertise spans photonics, RF, wireless, test, SoC, wireline technologies, RAN, DSP and mixed signal Analog/RFIC design.

Conor is an inventor on 37 granted patent families. Conor is a graduate of Munster Technological University and University of South Wales. Conor is based in Cork, Ireland.

Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation

Peter O’Brien (Professor) is Head of the Photonics Packaging Group at the Tyndall Institute, University College Cork and Director of the European Photonics Packaging Pilot Line (www.pixapp.eu). He is also Deputy Director of the SFI Centre for Integrated Photonics (IPIC). His research group develops packaging and integration solutions for a range of photonic-based applications including high-speed communications, miniaturised biomedical and diagnostics and remote and autonomous sensing. Prof O’Brien is also a visiting professor at the Optical Science Centre at the University of Arizona. He previously founded and was CEO of a start-up company manufacturing speciality photonic systems for bio-imaging and pharmaceutical product monitoring applications, which he sold in 2009. Prior to this, he was a post-doctoral scholar at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, and a research scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where he was involved in the development of submillimetre wave devices for remote (space) sensing applications. He received his degree and PhD in Physics from Trinity College Dublin and University College Cork respectively.

Head of Research Group, Director of Photonics Packaging Pilot Line, Head of European Photonics Academy at Tyndall Institute

Michael Lebby (Board Director) joined Lightwave Logic as a member of the Board of Directors in 2015. In May 2018, Dr. Lebby assumed the role of CEO, Lightwave Logic Inc (LWLG:OTCQB). Lightwave Logic is a leading technological company commercializing Electro-Optical polymers. Dr. Lebby (born 1961, London, UK) is an Anglo-American entrepreneur and intrapreneur in the fields of optoelectronics/photonics electronics and semiconductors. Dr. Lebby’s career started with the British Government in 1977 in telecommunications and he did research at their research labs (RSRE Malvern) in the early 1980s. Dr. Lebby worked at AT&T’s research labs: Bell Labs (1985-1989) in photonics, and subsequently drove the development (and co-authored the first patent) of the oxide VCSEL diode laser at Motorola in the 1990s (which is now used in laser mice, 3D sensing/FaceID in mobile phones, optical interconnects; where volumes of the laser are over 1B units today). From 2005-2010 he led the USA trade association in optoelectronics (OIDA) and represented the optoelectronics and photonics industry on Capitol Hill. Dr. Lebby has run technical start-ups and commercialized optoelectronic and photonics technology into volume manufacturing. He is currently a technical expert to the European Commission. He is a Fellow member of IEEE and OSA, and has been voted PIC (Photonic Integrated Circuit) business leader of the year by the PIC International Conference in 2018. Dr. Lebby holds over 450 issued international patents in photonics and electronics, that have been derived from over 200 issued USPTO utility patents, mostly in the field of optoelectronics, photonics and semiconductors. He has been cited by the USPTO to be in the most prolific 75 inventors in USA from 1988-1997. Dr. Lebby is passionate about photonics, and has focused his efforts over the last 30years to drive new photonics manufacturing programs in USA and Europe as well as industry-based photonics technology roadmaps.

Cedric Huyghebaert is currently CTO at Black semiconductor a startup which wants to enforce a paradigm shift in chip to chip communication through graphene based photonics. Before that he acted as Program manager of exploratory processes and modules at imec, dealing with material exploration and early module integration for functional applications. He was the initiator and the technical lead of the 2D experimental Pilot line division in the Graphene Flagship, a project which has the ambition to enforce the adoption of 2D materials by the semiconductor industry. He started in 1999 as a junior researcher in the materials and component analyses group at imec. He studied the oxygen bean interactions during sputtering profiling of semiconductors. He received his PhD in Physics in 2006 at the KULeuven in Belgium. In 2005 he joined imecs pilot line as a support integration engineer, especially dealing with the process contamination control. He was part of the packaging group from end 2007 till begin 2010, working as a senior integration engineer dealing with 3D-stacked IC integration. From 2010 to 2019, he led the nano-applications and –material engineering (NAME) group at imec. He (co-)authored more than 200 peer reviewed journal and conference papers. He has a h-index of 35 and his work was cited >4600 times (google scholar)

Soeren Steudel is co-founder and CTO at MICLEDI microdisplays BV developing the next generation µLED displays for AR waveguide optics. Prior to founding MICLEDI in 2019, he worked as principal member of technical staff at imec on process integration for AMOLED displays, X-ray imager, fingerprint sensors, 3D stacked logic and DRAM.

Co-founder & CTO at MICLEDI

Tiger Ninomiya is currently Senior Technologist at SENKO Advanced Components. He joined SENKO in 2012. In 2016, Tiger was transferred to SENKO’s Business Development Division in Massachusetts. Tiger is participating in the MSA and Consortiums including QSFP-DD, OSFP, SFP-DD and COBO. Within COBO, he became a chairman of Co-Packaged Optics working group and Associate Director of Board of Director in 2020. Tiger has been heavily involved in the development and standardization of CS and SN connectors and is continuously innovating new products to further develop optical connectivity technology.

Senior Technologist at Senko Advanced Components

Philippe Absil (Vice President R&D, Department Head) is the Vice President R&D, Department Head at imec since 2019 and has been responsible for the silicon photonics technology platform development since 2010. Before that, he spent seven years managing the advanced CMOS scaling program at imec. In the early 2000s, he developed the passive photonics platform technology for Little Optics Inc., Maryland, USA. He earned his Ph.D. degree in 2000 from the department of electrical engineering at the University of Maryland at College Park. His doctoral work contributed to the early demonstrations of semiconductor micro-ring resonators.

Vice President R&D, Department Head at imec

Iñigo Artundo (CEO) obtained the M.Sc. in Telecom Engineering at the Universidad Publica de Navarra (Pamplona, Spain) in 2005, and received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics and Photonics at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belgium) in 2009. He has been involved in several national and European research projects and networks of excellence focused on reconfigurable optical interconnects, the design, fabrication and characterization of micro‐optic devices, and on flexible access and in‐building fiber network architectures. He has worked as a reviewer for several scientific journals and national funding agencies. He holds specializations in Business Financing, Commercial Management and Research, and Strategic Marketing. He is a member of IEEE, SPIE and COIT.

Tolga Tekin (PPS Manager) has received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and computer science from the Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, in 2004. He was a Research Scientist with the Optical Signal Processing Department, Fraunhofer HHI, where he was engaged in advanced research on optical signal processing, 3R-regeneration, all-optical switching, clock recovery, and integrated optics. He was a Postdoctoral Researcher on components for O-CDMA and terabit routers with the University of California. He worked at Teles AG on phased-array antennas and their components for skyDSL. At the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (IZM), he then led projects on optical interconnects and silicon photonics packaging. At the Technical University of Berlin, he then engaged in microsystems, photonic integrated system-in-package, photonic interconnects, and 3-D heterogeneous integration research activities. He is manager of Photonics and Plasmonics Systems Group at Fraunhofer IZM and coordinator of ‘PhoxLab - European Photonics Innovation Hub for Optical Interconnects at Fraunhofer IZM. He coordinated European Flagship project on optical interconnects ‘FP7-PhoxTroT’, and is currently coordinating ‘H2020-L3MATRIX’ and ‘H2020-MASSTART’.

Group Manager at Fraunhofer IZM

Pieter Dumon is CTO of Luceda Photonics. Pieter obtained his Masters degree in Electronics Engineering in 2002 and PhD in electronics (photonics) in 2007, both at Ghent University. He coordinated ePIXfab, the first MPW service for photonics, which he expanded to kickstart design and packaging services for photonic ICs. In 2014, Pieter co-founded Luceda Photonics, where he brings design automation software and photonic IC technology together.

Co-founder and CTO at Luceda Photonics

Dries Van Thourhout received the degree in physical engineering and the Ph.D. degree from Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium in 1995 and 2000 respectively. From Oct. 2000 to Sep. 2002 he was with Lucent Technologies, Bell Laboratories, New Jersey, USA, working on the design, processing and characterization of InP/InGaAsP monolithically integrated devices. In Oct. 2002 he joined the Department of Information Technology (INTEC), Ghent University, Belgium. He is also associated with imec.
His research focuses on the design, fabrication and characterization of integrated photonic devices. Main topics involve Silicon nanophotonic devices and the integration of novel materials (III-V, graphene, ferro-electrics, quantum dots, ...) on these waveguides to expand their functionality. He is working on applications for telecom, datacom, optical interconnect and quantum optics.
He has submitted 14 patents, has authored and coauthored over 270 journal papers (see below) and has presented invited papers at all major conferences in the domain. He is member of the IEEE Photonics Society, SPIE and OSA (fellow). He has coordinated several European Projects (FP6 PICMOS, FP7 WADIMOS, FP7 SMARTFIBER), contributed in many more and received both an ERC Starting Grant (ULPPIC) and ERC Advanced Grant (NARIOS).

Professor at Photonics Research Group at Ghent University

Stephan Suckow obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Physics of Semiconductor Technology from the BTU Cottbus, Germany, and his PhD in Physics from RWTH Aachen University in 2012 on the simulation of photonic silicon nanostructures. He joined AMO in 2015, became the vice head of the Nanophotonics group in 2018 and is leading the group since 2022. He coordinates the H2020 project POSEIDON, is the technical manager of the H2020 Project GRACED and coordinates the work at AMO for several other national and European funded projects

Head of Nanophotonics Group at AMO

Rolando Ferrini (Chief Regional Officer & Head of FEMTOprint Neuchâtel) joined FEMTOprint in 2022 as Chief Regional Officer and Head of FEMTOprint Neuchâtel, the new subsidiary devoted to photonic-related microdevices in glass. In 1999, he obtained his PhD degree in Physics at the Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy, with a thesis on the optical properties of III-V semiconductor materials for electronics and optoelectronics. From 2000 to 2004, he worked as Research Associate at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, where he studied the optical properties of semiconductor-based photonic crystal devices. From 2004 to 2011, as Senior Research Associate at EPFL, he was in charge of the activities on organic devices for optics, photonics and lighting. From 2011 to 2022, he worked at CSEM as Group Leader MicroNano Optics and in 2021 as Head of the Focus Area Photonics. From 2020 to 2021, he founded the PHABULOuS pilot line for the manufacturing of freeform micro-optical components, acting both as project coordinator of the related H2020 project and as Managing Director.

Chief Regional Officer; Head of FEMTOprint Neuchâtel at Femtoprint

Kevin Williams (Professor) graduated in Electronic Engineering from the University of Sheffield and received his PhD from the School of Physics at the University of Bath in 1995. He subsequently moved to the University of Bristol where he was awarded a Royal Society university research fellowship to study high speed and high power semiconductor lasers. In 2001 he moved to the University of Cambridge where he was also appointed a Fellow and lecturer at Churchill College Cambridge. In 2006, Kevin moved to the Technical University Eindhoven to take up an EC Marie Curie Chair award. In 2011 he received a Vici award from the Dutch NWO to perform research into large-scale high-performance photonic integrated circuits. He is presently leading the Photonic Integration group at the COBRA research institute.

Kevin Williams
Professor at TU Eindhoven

Antonio has a PhD from the department of applied physics of Universidad de Santiago de Compostela in laser processing of glassy samples. In Madrid, he made a postdoctoral stay at the Instituto de Óptica of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), where he worked on the fabrication of nanostructures with dielectric and metallic materials via pulsed laser deposition.

In 2010, Antonio entered the world of distribution as a sales engineer in the photonics department of the company Acal BFi, a job that he continued in the Spanish company Grupo Álava since 2012. In the latter, he was responsible for sales and marketing for Spain and Portugal of different laser systems, optical and optomechanical components, optical metrology equipment and other nano-characterization devices.

In 2021 he became US sales manager for the company Fyla, a manufacturer of supercontinuum and ultrafast fiber lasers, for the development of the market in this country and the establishment of new relationships with the most relevant research centers in the world of optics and photonics.

At EPIC, Antonio is supporting the technical needs of our growing membership as well as the EU-funded initiatives.

Photonics Technology Manager at EPIC

Eleonore Hardy (Business Developer Silicon Photonics)
joined CEA-Leti in 2018 as a Business Developer in Silicon Photonics. She holds a dual master’s degree in Engineering and followed an MS in Management & Innovation. Eleonore has been working in the optics and photonics industry since 2005 and previously worked for Philips in the Netherlands and for Varioptic (a BU of Corning) in China. During her career, Eleonore has been successful in creating long-term value in lasers in France, China and India for Quantel (Lumibird), and spectrometers in Europe and Asia for Resolution Spectra Systems. Eleonore is dedicated to developing new business opportunities in silicon photonics, especially in communications, sensing and high-performance computing.

Business Developer Silicon Photonics at CEA-Leti

Tom Janssens (Team Leader Silicon Processing) continued research in the interuniversity microelectronics center (imec) in different groups (material analysis, clean processing, solar cells) between 2003-2012 after receiving PhD in science in 2003. He joined ON Semiconductor (2012-2015) as process integration engineer, developing power FETs. In 2015 Tom joined Huawei Technologies R&D Belgium, as senior process integration engineer, following up development programs in imec. Currently he is team leader silicon processing and responsible to evaluate new opportunities in silicon photonics outside the traditional telecom area.

Team Leader Silicon Processing at Huawei

Philippe Soussan is currently program director within the sense & actuate unit of IMEC. His field of expertise covers the interaction between processes and material properties, as well as wafer scale technology integration in the field of multi-physics devices which comprises : 3D interconnects, micro-fluidics and integrated photonics & opto-electronics

Program Director at imec

Peter Ossieur (Senior Researcher and Program Manager) received an M.Sc. Engineering degree in applied electronics and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, in 2000 and 2005, respectively. From 2005 to 2008, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Fund of Scientific Research, Ghent University. During that time, his research was focused on 10Gbit/s burst-mode receivers and optoelectronics for automotive applications. In 2008, he became a part-time Professor of High-Frequency Electronics at the Faculty of Engineering, Ghent University. In 2009, he joined the Photonic Systems Group, Tyndall National Institute and the Department of Physics, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, where he became Senior Staff Researcher in April 2013. In this position he established an IC design group focusing on opto-electronic applications. In October 2017 he joined IDLab, an imec research group at Ghent University, as Senior Researcher and is currently Program Manager High-Speed Transceivers. He leads research activity focused on the development of high-speed analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits for photonic applications. He has (co-) authored 125 peer-reviewed papers, and holds several patents in the aforementioned research areas.

Senior Researcher and Program Manager at imec

Douwe Geuzebroek (VP Marketing & Sales) He has over 15 years of experience in integrated photonics and its applications, ranching from R&D to product development stages. He has a strong interest in matching the technical aspect of a technology to the needs of the market. Douwe has a background in Electrical Engineering in which he finished his PhD at University of Twente at the Integrated Optical MicroSystem (IOMS) group on a topic of applying integrated optical microring resonators in telecommunication networks. In 2005 he joined LioniX BV as a design engineer and project leader focusing on microring resonators and other integrated optical telecommunication devices and was actively involved in the start-up of XiO Photonics in 2008. As VP Marketing and Sales at XiO Photonics he supported the development of the waveguide technology for visible light applications and the introduction of this technology in several products. He participated in several research projects both national and European. Currently as VP Marketing & Sales at LioniX International he is involved in the acquisition of new commercial and research projects for photonic integrated modules in Life Science, metrology and telecommunication applications.

VP Marketing & Sales at LioniX

After studying physics at the University of Karlsruhe and Dortmund, Frank Gindele received his PhD in 1999. During that time his research activities have been about optical spectroscopy, semiconductor nanostructures like quantum dots, specialized on the time-resolved laser spectroscopy in the femtosecond regime. From 1999 to 2006 he worked at the Institute for Microtechnology (IMM) in Mainz, responsible for the Optical Sensor Group. His activities were focused on miniaturised optical systems for on-line monitoring, optical spectroscopy, optical position controlling and infrared detection.
From 2006 to 2010 he was Head of R&D at PerkinElmer Elcos leading the product development of LED modules, especially for white light LEDs.
From 2010 to 2021, Frank Gindele worked for Schott AG as R&D Manager, starting a new business line at Schott for hermetic LED modules.
End of 2021 he joined Scantinel Photonics, as Head of Optics & Mechanics developing new LIDAR systems for automotive and industrial markets.

Head of Optics & Mechanics at Scantinel Photonics

Danaë is the inventor, founder and CEO of Indigo. She drives Indigo’s strategic vision, culture and passion to transform science into products that will improve the life of millions of people. She has a successful track-record in business management and entrepreneurship having successfully founded or co-founded 7 high-tech photonics companies over the past 12 years. She received her Ph.D. degree in Applied Sciences from Ghent University in 2002 and holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics as well as a Bachelor and Masters of Applied Sciences/Engineering in Photonics.

Supported By
Programme Manager
Ivan Nikitski, PhD
Ivan Nikitski, PhD
Technology Expert for Quantum and Integrated Photonics
Event Manager
Logistics, venue, accommodation, and transportation
Helena Jelinkova
Helena Jelinkova
Events Manager
Media Partner/s
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