8 May 2020 / 15:00 - 17:30
EPIC Online Technology Meeting on Photonics for New Space
Online Event

New Space embraces an emerging private spaceflight industry in Europe and the world, and represents a major opportunity for the photonics industry. The discussion will focus on demands and qualification process for photonics solutions allowing lighter, efficient, and compact solutions for space challenges.

Spirit of the meetings

EPIC Online Technology Meetings are neither ordinary webinars nor conventional online meetings. They are extraordinary in terms of their speakers, attendees, and moderators.

Only a limited group of people will join each meeting. The speakers and attendees represent companies along the entire value chain: component suppliers, system integrators, and end-users.

The spirit of the meetings is to identify ways and reasons for working together. Speakers will give a short presentation about their technologies, solutions and needs related to the topic, and will answer the EPIC questions: “What can they do for you? What can you do for them?” Together with the attendees in the Zoom room, they will exchange expertise and new visions in a round table discussion, which will be continued at the end of the meeting resulting in new business relationships.

Senior Engineer at European Space Agency
Microwave Photonics Engineer at Antwerp Space
Vice President of Research at Ommatidia LIDAR
Business Development & Founder at Beamagine
Managing Director at son-x
Business Development Manager at OHB
Product Manager at Cailabs
CEO at aXenic
Promo Video
Dr. Jose Pozo
Dr. Jose Pozo
Director of Technology and Innovation
Event Manager
Logistics, venue, accommodation, and transportation
Helena Jelinkova
Helena Jelinkova
Events Manager
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