6 September 2021 / 16:00 - 18:00
EPIC Online Technology Meeting on New Developments in FMCW LIDAR
Online Event

Even if the technology needed for FMCW is still costly, the possibility of integrating FMCW on a single chip is very attractive for the automotive industry as automotive LIDAR is subject to strong price pressure. At this meeting, the last developments for FMCW LIDAR will be presented, and the potential collaborations within the supply chain to accelerate the adoption of this technology will be discussed.

Spirit of the meetings

During these online technology meetings, we are looking for the challenges the industry is facing and bringing together the entire supply chain to address these challenges. Bringing together end-users with component suppliers and system integrators that will answer the EPIC question “What can you do for them and what can they do for you” creates the perfect foundation to establish new business relationships and find ways for new collaborations and partnerships.


Chris manages the LiDAR program at Insight and is also Insight’s primary LiDAR Optical Architect, bringing over 30 years of tunable laser and coherent LiDAR experience.

VP LiDAR at Insight Lidar

A pioneer in integrated optics-based imaging. Co-founder & CEO of MedLumics until 2017 created the 1st integrated optics OCT product and an optically guided cardiac catheter. He is now CEO at Ommatidia, a venture bringing full-field FMCW LIDAR to market.

CEO at Ommatidia

Davide has proven track of success in product development from conception to industrialization in the semiconductor industry, working in cross-functional teams with international customers.

Business Development Manager at Scantinel
VP at SiLC Technologies

Dr. François Simoens is involved in photonics developments for more than 20 years and acts currently as the Strategic Program Manager of the LIDAR program at CEA-Leti.

Strategic Program Manager at CEA-Leti
Promo Video
Dr. Jose Pozo
Dr. Jose Pozo
Director of Technology and Innovation
Event Manager
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Neringa Noreikiene
Neringa Noreikiene
Events Manager
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