7 February 2022 / 15:00 - 17:00
EPIC Online Technology Meeting on Quantum Computing Platforms
Online Event

Qubit processing can be realized with various hardware platforms or computational processing protocols. Fostering scalability is essential for the industrialization of quantum computing. This meeting will deal with the various quantum systems employed by companies, such as quantum integrated photonics, nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamonds, superconducting circuits, silicon-based quantum processors, atom computing, etc. It will be an excellent opportunity to create collaborations and set common new goals.

Spirit of the meetings

During these online technology meetings, we are looking for the challenges the industry is facing and bringing together the entire supply chain to address these challenges. Bringing together end-users with component suppliers and system integrators that will answer the EPIC question “What can you do for them and what can they do for you” creates the perfect foundation to establish new business relationships and find ways for new collaborations and partnerships.


Daniel is head the federal coordination unit of quantum technology in NRW (QT.NMPW.NRW). For the ministry of economic affairs, digitalization, innovation and energy NRW (MWIDE.NRW), he explores business potentials and partnerships between key players from research and industry to trigger innovation and technology transfer.

Cluster Manager at NMWP
Chief Data Officer and Global Head of Analytics and AI at E.ON
Quantum Computing Expert at Covestro

Philippe Duluc graduated from Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, spent 20 years as military engineer. After, he joined the private sector, first as CSO for Orange, then as Cybersecurity director for Bull. He is now Atos SVP, CTO for Big Data & Security, specialized in digital transformation and deep tech: cryptography, cyber-defense, advanced computing, big data, AI and quantum technologies.

Iordanis Kerenidis is a Quantum Computer Scientist working as the Head of Algorithms for QC Ware, a quantum software startup. He is also a Research Director for CNRS in France and Director of the Paris Center for Quantum Computing.

Head of Quantum Algorithms at QC Ware

Devin recently joined QuiX as a quantum information & computing expert, helping the company design new devices and systems as the company grows. Until recently, he worked in academia at the University of Southampton doing research on integrated quantum photonics.

Devin Smith
Senior Quantum Engineer at QuiX

Juliette is a physicist by training with an entrepreneur mindset. After working as a consultant for almost two years at the French Trade Embassy, she joined Xanadu as a Business developer and, she is in charge of the EMEA region.

Business Development Lead at Xanadu
Dr. Panagiotis Vergyris
Dr. Panagiotis Vergyris
Photonics Technology Manager
Ivan Nikitski, PhD
Ivan Nikitski, PhD
Technology Expert for Quantum and Integrated Photonics
Event Manager
Logistics, venue, accommodation, and transportation
Helena Jelinkova
Helena Jelinkova
Events Manager
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