1 March 2021 / 15:00 - 17:00
EPIC Online Technology Meeting on Photonics Impact on Green Energy Generation: Photovoltaics, Wind, Wave, Hydrogen (in cooperation with Joint Forces for Solar)
Online Event

In cooperation with

Photonics industry is key to optimizing efficiency and cost-effectiveness of Green Energy Generation. This meeting will gather industrials from Photovoltaics, Wind, Wave, Hydrogen generators to challenge manufacturers to move forward with lasers, materials, sensors, and detectors toward Europe’s goal of climate neutrality before 2050

Spirit of the meetings

During these online technology meetings, we are looking for the challenges the industry is facing and bringing together the entire supply chain to address these challenges. Bringing together end-users with component suppliers and system integrators that will answer the EPIC question “What can you do for them and what can they do for you” creates the perfect foundation to establish new business relationships and find ways for new collaborations and partnerships.


He started working in the photovoltaic industry in 2010. He has conducted numerous market research and consulting projects in the field of photovoltaics and storage domains.

Partner at EuPD Research

César has a BSc in Aerospace, MSc in Physics, Ph.D. in Communications. With more than 15 years of experience in Aerospace projects currently CEO at smartHAPS.

Head of Passo Martino Innovation Lab at Enel Green Power

Dr. Prash Makaram is the CEO and co-founder of Crocus Labs, he has over 15 years of experience in both semiconductor startups and large corporations. at TRUMPF

Mathieu Marmion has an MSc in Electrical engineering and a Ph.D. in Physical Geography. He has been working in the field of hyperspectral imaging for nearly 10 years and works currently at SPECIM as a Senior Application Specialist.

Founder & Technical Lead at Nice Visions

David has considerable experience in photonics as a researcher as well as an engineer and product manager in the commercial sector. His experience includes lasers for biology, semiconductor processing and scientific research including Quantum Technology.

Business Development Manager at Fraunhofer CAP
Laser and New Technologies Scientist at ZX Lidars
Promo Video
Dr. Francesca Moglia
Dr. Francesca Moglia
Photonics Technologies Program Manager
Dr. Jose Pozo
Dr. Jose Pozo
Director of Technology and Innovation
Media Partner/s
Market Reports 31, 38, 59