12 March 2021 / 15:00 - 17:00
EPIC Online Quantum Technology Meeting on Quantum is Key to More Effective, Affordable, Personalised (tele)Medicine
Online Event

The convergence of quantum technologies, digitalization, additive manufacturing, machine learning, and 3D modeling is upon us. Quantum imaging technologies will enable development of the world’s most advanced functional medical devices. These offer a wider range of functionality combined with precise, safer and less invasive diagnostics. This meeting will engage with end-users who are at the leading edge of low light imaging and time-gated spectroscopy for tissue imaging and highly-accurate disease diagnostics.

Spirit of the meetings

During these online technology meetings, we are looking for the challenges the industry is facing and bringing together the entire supply chain to address these challenges. Bringing together end-users with component suppliers and system integrators that will answer the EPIC question “What can you do for them and what can they do for you” creates the perfect foundation to establish new business relationships and find ways for new collaborations and partnerships.


CEO at Qnami
Chair in Functional Materials at University of Leeds

Main topic of Yaniv’s research are quantum optics, light-matter interaction, novel quantum effects in solid state systems or free electrons with and light trapped in 2D materials.

Researcher at Technion

Strong information technology professional skilled in Artificial Intelligence, Aviation and Aerospace, Solution Architecture, Blockchain, Quantum Computing, Intellectual Property, and Agile Methodologies.

Technical Ambassador at IBM

Providing the most sensitive light detectors for science and industry. Superconducting single-photon detectors are used in safe communication based on quantum encryption and they can be used to improve imaging technologies.

CEO & Co-founder at Single Quantum

Physics engineer, with the experience in R&D area. Three years of physics research background, interested in leading the innovation and skillful in connecting with people.

CTO at t pioNIRS
Promo Video
Elena Beletkaia, PhD
Elena Beletkaia, PhD
Technology Specialist
Dr. Jose Pozo
Dr. Jose Pozo
Director of Technology and Innovation
Event Manager
Logistics, venue, accommodation, and transportation
Helena Jelinkova
Helena Jelinkova
Events Manager
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