21 February 2022 / 15:00 - 17:00
EPIC Online Technology Meeting on Mid-Infrared Alliance Present and Future
Online Event

In cooperation with

Photonic developments on the Mid-IR region (2.5um-15um) have demonstrated amazing high potential for utilization in different markets such as healthcare, communications, environmental, security and industry while, every days, new exciting applications. In this meeting, the entire MidIR community will discuss how answer the requests and challenges coming from the end-users needs.

Spirit of the meetings

During these online technology meetings, we are looking for the challenges the industry is facing and bringing together the entire supply chain to address these challenges. Bringing together end-users with component suppliers and system integrators that will answer the EPIC question “What can you do for them and what can they do for you” creates the perfect foundation to establish new business relationships and find ways for new collaborations and partnerships.


Dr. Farooq received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University in 2010, and then joined King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) as an Assistant Professor. He was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in 2016. He is the principal investigator of the Chemical Kinetics and Laser Sensors Laboratory in the Clean Combustion Research Center (CCRC) at KAUST. His research interests are in the areas of energy, chemical kinetics, spectroscopy, and laser-based sensors. He has authored over 175 refereed journal articles and has given invited talks at a number of international conferences. At KAUST, he won the Distinguished Teaching Award, given to the best instructor over a period of two years. In 2019, Dr. Farooq was awarded the prestigious Hiroshi Tsuji Early Career Research Award by Elsevier and the Combustion Institute. In 2020, he received Research Excellence award by the Combustion Institute.

Professor at KAUST

Adam is a graduate of Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska) in 2002 with a master's degree in electronics engineering. He also received a Ph.D. degree in technical sciences engineer at the Military University of Technology (Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna) in 2008. He has worked at VIGO System S.A. since 2002, 2002-2003 as a Specialist in Technology of Detectors Department. From 2003-2006, he served as Specialist in MOCVD laboratory and Manager of MOCVD Lab. 2006-2008. From 2008-2014, Adam worked as Head of Detector's Department. In January 2015, he was appointed as a President of the Board and vice chairman of Polish Technological Platform on Photonics. In February 2018, he became the president of the Polish Technological Platform on Photonics. He is the author of many publications on methods of manufacture and applications of infrared detectors. He is working with Polish photonics to establish a collaborative platform supporting transfer of innovation from science to industry and collaboration between photonics companies. One of such initiatives in the Academy of Photonics is conducting workshops on various important issues, such as, sales of photonics products, IP in photonics or resource sharing.

Johannes graduated 1996 in Physics at the University of Würzburg with studies on molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and optical properties of GaN. During his Ph.D., he worked on MBE of lasers in the AlGaSb system in the wavelength range between 1.5 µm and 2.0 µm. One of the main topics of his thesis was the investigation of GaSb based emitters on GaAs substrates. He realized the first GaSb edge emitting laser diodes based on GaAs as well as optically pumped Ga(Al)Sb/AlSb VCSELs, both at 1.5 µm. In addition, he developed and characterized antimonide based DFB lasers in the 2 µm range. In 1998, he founded nanoplus Nanosystems and Technologies GmbH and has presided the company as CEO since then.

Antoine studied Solid State Physics at the University of Geneva and received a PhD in Physics in 1995 for his work in Quantum Cryptography with Professor N. Gisin. He held a post-doctoral position on the same subject at the University of Geneva and later at NIST in Gaithersburg, MD, USA. In 1998, he joined Professor Faist's group of mesoscopic physics at the University of Neuchâtel to work on electrical tuning in QCLs. In 1998, he co-founded Alpes Lasers SA and acts as CEO since the foundation.

Slava was born in Russia. His PhD in physics was done at General Physics Institute, Moscow in 1981 - focused on his pioneering development of polycrystalline fibers for Mid IR-range: 3-18µm. His multiple publications and patents were devoted to fiber optic technologies and applications in laser medicine, process-spectroscopy, optical sensing and diagnostic. In 1998, he founded art photonics GmbH in Berlin – one of worldwide leaders now in the production of specialty fiber products for a broad spectra 0.2-16µm. Dr. V. Artyushenko and art photonics are members of EPIC, CPACT, IBioIC, SPIE, OSA, SAS, SPECTARIS, Optec-BB, Photonics-BB, GDCh-DECHEMA & CLIRSPEC.

Antonio Raspa
Antonio Raspa
Senior Photonics Program Manager
Dr. Francesca Moglia
Dr. Francesca Moglia
Photonics Technologies Program Manager
Event Manager
Logistics, venue, accommodation, and transportation
Helena Jelinkova
Helena Jelinkova
Events Manager
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