Nowadays, lasers and optics are indispensable tools for ophthalmologists.
Main segments are:
- Imaging:
- Confocal laser scanning microscopy for diagnostic imaging of the retina or cornea to serve as an early-warning of glaucoma, macular degeneration, and other eyesight-stealing diseases.
- Lasers:
- Nd:YAG lasers to produce photodisruption in the eye for the treatment of conditions such as glaucoma and posterior capsular opacification after cataract surgery.
- Frequency doubled green laser to treat conditions such as retinopathy and retinal tears before they become retinal detachments
- SLT & Cyclodiode lasers to treat glaucoma.
- Excimer & Femtosecond lasers for corneal refractive and cataract surgery such as LASIK and PRK.