David Bruneel (Group Research Coordinator) joined LASEA in 2015. Group Research coordinator of LASEA, he has more than 15 years' experience in the research and development of innovative laser processes for all types of applications and also in the development of laser systems with different types of lasers (fibre lasers, ns, ps and fs, using different wavelengths) and optical systems for beam management or instrumentation. His experience includes several years at the Laboratoire Hubert Curien and the Fraunhofer IBMT research centre, as well as in industry in the manufacture of laser machines and the development and optimisation of USP micromachining processes. David is responsible for organising European and regional R&D projects that have led to cutting-edge developments/results/patents: AI supported laser parameters prediction, femtosecond kW laser demonstration, beam shaping, GHz cold ablation, simulation and prediction of laser-matter interaction, high-speed surface texturing, etc …. Among the projects, most are collaborative EU funded projects, he led we can cite: SLIDE, HIPERDIAS, LAMPAS, FUTURLAS 3D, POLAROLL, LASER4SURF, FEMTOTEXT, OPERATIC, GLASS, SYNTECS, NAVIC, etc...