7 April 2021 / 15:00 - 18:00
EPIC Presentation on 5G Requirements Driving Photonic Opportunities
Online Event


This presentation & report will be of particular interest to photonics’ companies looking for strategic information to leverage in emerging 5G solutions.

The telecommunications market is beginning a new, expansive build cycle, tempered only marginally by investment availability.  5G network implementations will require both new and replacement systems with complex requirements that differ significantly from previous 4G deployments.  Synchronization, architectures, open standards, and other specifications are perfect fits for the small footprint, low power, and ultra-fast bandwidth capabilities provided by optical components and systems.  Emerging applications will create heavy demand for higher data capacities and throughput.  However, without active engagement with both system providers and carriers, these opportunities can be missed.  This presentation and report will highlight key stress areas of 5G rollouts and the performance challenges that photonics can solve.

Head of Photonics Market Research at EPIC
Event Manager
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Helena Jelinkova
Helena Jelinkova
Events Manager
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