18 September 2023 / 15:00 - 17:00 CEST
EPIC Online Technology Meeting on Hybrid Photonics Integration
Online Event

EPIC Hybrid Photonic Chips is an online meeting for photonics companies focused on the latest advances in hybrid integration technologies for photonic integrated circuits (PICs). Hybrid integration combines different materials, components, and fabrication processes to create photonic integrated circuits with optimized performance and functionality. The event features presentations and discussions from industry leaders within EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium. Learn about the latest advances in hybrid integration technologies, emerging applications of hybrid photonic chips, and challenges facing the industry. The event provides an opportunity for attendees to connect and collaborate with peers, exchange ideas and best practices, and gain valuable insights into the future of hybrid photonic chips in areas such as telecommunications, data centers, sensing, and quantum technologies. This meeting is an excellent opportunity for companies to gain valuable insights into emerging applications and industry challenges in integrated photonics.


15:00 – 15:05 Opening by Ivan Nikitski, Photonics Technology Manager at EPIC

15:05 – 15:25 Keynote: JePPIX /Eindhoven University of Technology (TUe) – Kevin Williams, Professor
15:25 – 15:40 ThalesApplications of Micro-transfer printed III-V on Silicon Nitride for Microwave Photonics and Sensing – Vincent Billault, Research Engineer
15:40 – 15:55 Smart PhotonicsPutting Light Into Your Chips: Heterogeneous Integration Of Inp Photonics – Alonso Millan-Mejia, Senior Scientist / Process Architect
15:55 – 16:10 VPI Photonics Single Design, Multiple Fabs: Modelling and Design Strategies for
Hybrid PICs – Andrzej Polatynski, Principal Application Engineer and Solution Owner PDK Framework
16:10 – 16:25 ficonTECChallenges and Strategies for High Volume Manufacturing and Testing of Hybrid Co-packaged Components – Augusto Mandelli, International Sales, Service, and Marketing Director
16:25 – 16:40 Vanguard AutomationNext Generation Photonic Integration and Packaging Solutions with Photonic Wire Bonding (PWB) and Facet-Attached Micro-Optical Elements – Thorsten Mayer, CEO
16:40 – 16:55 X-celeprint Micro Transfer Printing for Integrated Photonics – Ruggero Loi, Supply Chain Scientist

16:55 – 17:00 Closing by Ivan Nikitski, Photonics Technology Manager at EPIC

Kevin Williams
Professor at JePPIX /TUe

Dr. Vincent Billault obtained his PhD in 2020 from University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA) and since 2021, he works as a research engineer in the Micro and Nano-Physics Laboratory in TRT-Fr in the “Free space optics“ and “Integrated Photonics” activities.

Vincent Billault
Research Engineer at Thales

Alonso Jesus Millan-Mejia received the B.Eng. degree (with Hons.) in telecommunications from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, the M.Sc. degree in applied physics from the Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, the M. Eng. degree in photonics from the Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, and the Ph.D. degree in 2018, from the Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, from his work on InP membrane on silicon platform, focusing on developing high-speed modulators. He is involved in developing new integration fabrication technologies and new building blocks for the photonics integration generic platform with SMART Photonics, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, as a Senior Scientist

Senior Scientist / Process Architect at Smart Photonics

Andrzej Połatyński is the Principal Application Engineer and Solution Owner of the PDK framework at VPIphotonics. Since joining the
> company in 2016, Andrzej has conducted research on developing layout-aware simulation models for photonic PDKs supporting various technology platforms.

Principal Application Engineer and Solution Owner PDK Framework at VPI Photonics
International Sales, Service, and Marketing Director at ficonTEC

As Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Thorsten is responsible for Vanguard's strategy development and execution to ensure sustainable growth and innovation. He joined Vanguard in November 2020 and served as Chief Operating Officer (COO) for one year before he stepped into the role of CEO.

Prior to joining Vanguard Automation, Thorsten has held several regional and global leadership positions at National Instruments (NI) in R&D, strategic marketing, sales, and operations. Amongst his roles at NI he served as Managing Director for East-Central Europe quadrupling revenues and profits over seven years and led high-impact transformational projects at the global level as Chief of Staff and Global Head of NI’s Alliance Business & Strategic Partnerships. He has lived and worked in four countries. Thus, he offers U.S. Corporate, European and Asian experience and a strong international background to business development and geographical expansion. Thorsten has also been contributing through his voluntary work at SWAN Impact Network, both as investor and advisor, to startups with measurable social or environmental impact. Thorsten holds a Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering.

Ruggero Loi was born in Cagliari (Italy). In 2013 he graduated with a M.Sc. degree in Applied Physics at University of Cagliari. In 2019 he attained a Ph.D. in Engineering Science – Photonics, at Irish Photonic Integration Centre (IPIC), Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland. He pioneered the heterogenous integration of III-V devices onto different platforms by micro transfer printing (MTP) since 2014 and has authored several scientific publications and patents in the field of MTP for integrated photonics.
In 2019 he joined X-Celeprint Ltd., leading the development of micro transfer printing solutions for integrated photonics in Irish and EU research projects and for private customers. He is now supporting the assembly of the supply chain for MTP with the aim to accelerate the deployment of MTP in production;
R. Loi is member of the Optical Society of America since 2017.

Supply Chain Scientist at X-celeprint
Ivan Nikitski, PhD
Ivan Nikitski, PhD
Technology Expert for Quantum and Integrated Photonics
Event Manager
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