26 October 2020 / 15:00 - 17:00
EPIC Online Technology Meeting on Free Space Optical Communication and LiFi
Online Event

Free space optical communication technologies are key for several applications such as communications between spacecraft, satellite constellation, security applications, metro-network extensions and backhaul. All the stakeholder of the value chain will discuss the state-of-art and their vision about future implementation of LiFi in our cities as well as new developments of free-space communications.

Spirit of the meetings

During these online technology meetings, we are looking for the challenges the industry is facing and bringing together the entire supply chain to address these challenges. Bringing together end-users with component suppliers and system integrators that will answer the EPIC question “What can you do for them and what can they do for you”creates the perfect foundation to establish new business relationships and find ways for new collaborations and partnerships


Guy-Mael de Naurois a business developer on Laser Satellite Communication at Airbus Space System in Toulouse.

Business Developer at Airbus

Chief Technology Officer of DAS Photonics, Ph.D. Telecommunications Engineer, an expert in photonics components and systems for space and defense markets.

CTO at DAS Photonics

He authored and co-authored over 90 publications and 65 patents. Currently, he is track-chair of the International Conference of Health-Informatics and is a Senior Member of IEEE.

Research Staff Member of Mobile-Health Interventions at IBM Research

Dr. Mostafa Afgani is a co-founder and CTO of pureLiFi and has led the engineering & development of pureLiFi’s systems and solutions since its founding in 2012.

CTO and Co-founder at pureLiFi

Prof. Ernesto Ciaramella leads a research group working on Optical Wireless Communications (OWC), for both indoor and outdoor applications. His team demonstrated record speed values in OWC and is also active in technology transfer to industries.

Professor at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

Ron is leading the development of photonic products for harsh-environment aerospace and defense applications. He is an inventor of over 30 patents and an author of more than 75 technical publications in photonic technology.

VP and CTO, Electronics and Photonics at Glenair
Promo Video
Dr. Jose Pozo
Dr. Jose Pozo
Director of Technology and Innovation
Market Reports 33, 63, 62
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