23 January 2022 / 19:00 - 22:00
Welcoming Reception of EPIC World Photonics Technology Summit
San Francisco, CA, USA

All CEOs and CTOs of EPIC members are welcome to join the Welcoming Reception of the EPIC World Photonics Summit in San Francisco. We start at 19:00 with the registration followed by networking party. This event is free of charge, but strictly on-invitation and pre-registration is required. Pre-registration is not needed for the Technology Summit registrants who already expressed their interest to attend this event.

Date & Timing

Sunday 23 January 2022, from 19:00 until 22:00.


Press Club
Address: 20 Yerba Buena Lane, San Francisco

Useful resources
Event Manager
Logistics, venue, accommodation, and transportation
Helena Jelinkova
Helena Jelinkova
Events Manager
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