4 November 2024 / 15:00 - 17:00 CET
EPIC Online Technology Meeting on Photonic Sensor Systems
Online Event

Free Event

In this online meeting we inform and discuss photonic-based sensory systems. We explore the intersection of advanced photonics and next-generation hardware and software solutions, including groundbreaking LIDAR advancements, CMOS imaging technologies, and hyperspectral imaging. Our discussion will also encompass cutting-edge Machine Learning Perception techniques. Both, sensors combined with Machine Learning will revolutionize market fields such as healthcare, automotive, and agriculture. Be part of this dynamic exchange as we chart the course for the future of sensory technologies and their transformative impact across industries.


More attendees will be announced soon.

Useful resources
Ivan Nikitski, PhD
Ivan Nikitski, PhD
Technology Expert for Quantum and Integrated Photonics
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