Membership Benefits

Become member of EPIC to expand your resources and influence in the photonics industry, grow business opportunities and technology partnerships.

Downloadย EPIC Membership Benefits 2024ย presentation.

EPIC Membership
Application Form

10 Reasons to become a member of EPIC

There are many tangible and intangible benefits to EPIC membership, such as having a dedicated organisation that supports the development and competitiveness of the photonics industry and its members, ensuring you can be seen and heard. However, there is much more. All members are always encouraged to take active participation in EPIC vibrant network and take full advantage of the membership benefits, including:

Networking & socialization possibilities
International networking
Free access to online meetings
Connecting with potential business partners
Access to end-user markets
Free access to market reports
Free promotion & visibility
Personal outreach & knowledge
Investment knowledge & support
Workgroups for HR, Marketing & Sustainability
Jobs in Photonics
EPIC members can post their latest job offers in the largest website for Jobs in Photonics. This service is part of your EPIC membership benefits. Life is too short, work for a great company! Work for a member of EPIC!
Mentors in Photonics
The EPIC network is composed of more than 700 companies across 35 countries, and hundreds of experts and leaders who regularly engage and contribute their knowledge and experience through formal and informal interactions. Sharing experience is a mutually enriching experience. The EPIC Photonics Mentorship programme that is available to those who are exploring unchartered territories and want to understand new markets and applications. This service is part of your EPIC membership benefits.